Modalities for submitting the request
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To be valid, the formal request must be contained in a document dated and signed by the applicant.
It must contain a description of the problematic work situation and the request for the employer to take the appropriate measures.
The applicant sends the document to the Prevention Advisor for psychosocial aspects or the external service for prevention and protection at work for which the Prevention Advisor works.
The request can be delivered in person or sent by mail or registered letter. An email request, however, must meet certain requirements to be admissible. The request document must be signed by the applicant. But an email cannot authenticate the applicant's signature unless an electronic signature is used.
If the request is submitted in person or sent by normal mail, a copy of the request is signed by the Prevention Advisor for psychosocial aspects or the person from the external service who received the request (for example the secretariat). This copy is then sent to the applicant and acts as an advice of receipt.
When the request has been sent by registered letter, it is deemed to have been received on the third working day following its date of dispatch.
A formal request for psychosocial intervention due to acts of violence and moral or sexual harassment at work can only be submitted by personal delivery or registered letter.
- Firstly, with the prevention advisor of the internal and/or external service for prevention and protection at work.
- Secondly, with the competent regional directorate for Supervision of Well-being at Work.
- Questions on the interpretation of the legislation: in writing to the Directorate-General for Humanisation of Labour.