Night work
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In principle, night work is prohibited.
"Night work" means any work performed between 8 pm and 6 am.
This rule applies without distinction between male and female workers.
There are a number of derogations from this prohibition principle.
NB: Apart from the rules governing employment, there is also a set of measures that were taken in the framework of the well-being of workers at work in order to safeguard the safety and health of night workers.
The derogations from the ban on night work relate to an industrial sector, particular activities or particular workers.
A number of derogations are provided for by law concerning cases in which night work is regarded as normal or inherent in the activity pursued (e.g. transport sector, energy distribution companies, hospitals, hotel and catering sector (hotels, restaurants, off-licences), surveillance activities, particular cases of force majeure, etc.).
Night work may also be permitted by royal decree in particular industrial sectors, undertakings or occupations or for the execution of particular types of work.
In principle, workers who engage in night work (between 8 pm and 6 am) are not entitled to a supplement to their wages/salary (bonus). Night work is paid in the same way as work carried out in the daytime.
There are two exceptions to this principle:
- in particular sectors, the joint committees have concluded collective agreements which make provision for additional remuneration for night work;
- in the absence of collective agreements, it is additionally provided that specific compensation should be granted to workers employed under schemes which regularly involve work between midnight and 5 am. From 1 March 2020, the amount of this bonus is €1,22 per hour (€1,46 per hour for workers aged 50 and over).