Belgian liaison office and labour inspectorate

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    Belgian liaison office (posting in Belgium)

    The Belgian liaison office is the first point of contact for a foreign employer who wishes to post workers to Belgium. The liaison office is responsible for providing information to employers and workers posted to Belgium about general questions regarding labour law, where appropriate referring them to the competent services.

    The liaison office also has the task of ensuring cooperation among the various public services concerned (such as labour inspectorates).

    The Belgian liaison office can be contacted in English, French and Dutch.

    Addresses of the Belgian liaison office:

    Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg
    Algemene Directie Arbeidsrecht en juridische studiën
    Ernest Blerotstraat  1
    1070  Brussel
    Tel.:  + 32 (0)2 233 48 22


    Service Public Fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale
    Direction Générale Droit du travail et études juridiques
    Rue Ernest Blerot, 1
    1070 BRUXELLES
    Tél.: +32(0) 2 233 48 22
    E-mail :

    Labour inspectorate in Belgium

    The labour inspectorate in Belgium comprises federal departments which can carry out inspections in the workplace or on a building site (also referred to as temporary or mobile construction sites) with a view to verifying the compliance with the labour conditions to be applied in case of posting of workers in Belgium.

    These federal departments are  the two general directorates of the Federal Department (Ministry) of Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue which is responsible for supervision of the labour conditions to be applied in case of posting of workers in Belgium i.e.:   

    Bilateral agreements and arrangements concerning administrative cooperation concluded with Inspectorates of other EU Member State 

    Posting from Belgium to another European country

    In case of posting to a European country other than Belgium, please consult the website of this other country.

    Posting from Belgium -  formalities to be fulfilled in Belgium

    Labour law

    If a worker is going to work in another country for more than four weeks, additional information to that mentioned above must be provided and sent before their departure. This includes the following information:   

    • the country or countries in which the work abroad is to be carried out and its expected duration; 
    • the currency in which the remuneration is paid; 
    • where applicable, benefits in cash or in kind related to the tasks; 
    • information on whether the worker's repatriation has been arranged, and if so, how the repatriation is being arranged.  

    In addition to this information, workers posted to a Member State of the European Union (within the meaning of Directive 96/71/EC) must receive the following information:  

    • the remuneration to which the worker is entitled under the applicable law of the host Member State or the reference to the statutory or regulatory provisions or collective agreements which determine it; 
    • where applicable, all allowances linked to the posting and all rules governing the reimbursement of travel, accommodation and food expenses; 
    • the link to the single official national website set up by the host Member State. 

    For more details on the information to be provided to the worker, please consult the following web pages:

    In French : Informations sur la relation de travail
    or in Dutch : Informatie over de arbeidsrelatie

    Social Security

    In accordance with European Regulation 883/2004 of 29 April 2004, from 1 May 2010, a worker may continue to be covered for a maximum period of 24 months by the Belgian Social Security oduring a period of posting  in another Member State. 

    To this end, the worker must hold an A1 form.  

    In that regard and more precisely, if the posting conditions are fulfilled, the Belgian National Office of Social Security will issue a certificate of applicable legislation A1 which provides evidence that the worker concerned remains subject to his/her Belgian Social Security system.