Regulation public holidays

  • Belgian Act of 4 January 1974 regarding public holidays.

    A consolidated version of the text can be found via the following links : in French language : choose “loi” in “Nature juridique” and “1974-01-04” in “date de promulgation” or in Dutch language : choose “wet” in “Juridische aard” and “1974-01-04“ in “afkondigingsdatum”) ;

  • Royal Decree of 18 April 1974 implementing the Belgian Act of 4 January 1974 regarding public holidays.

    A consolidated version of this text can be found via the following links: in French language : choose “arrêté royal” in “Nature juridique” and “1974-04-18” in “date de promulgation” or in Dutch language : choose “koninklijk besluit” in “Juridische aard” and “1974-04-18“ in “afkondigingsdatum”).