Exceptions to the obligation to mention work schedules in the terms and conditions of employment
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- work justified because of unforeseen circumstances;
- work carried out to deal with an accident that has occurred or the threat of an accident or an urgent repair to machinery or equipment;
- stock-taking and drawing up balance-sheets;
- work whose execution time cannot be determined;
- work involving substances which may degenerate very quickly;
- work carried out in undertakings for ships repairs and maintenance;
- transport operations, loading and unloading;
- in the event of working time limits being exceeded as a result of the performance of voluntary overtime hours.
NB: If the employer has filled in a LIMOSA declaration of posting, he is exempt for a period of 12 months from having to draw up the terms and conditions of employment as required by Belgian law. Nonetheless, it is reminded that, in the LIMOSA declaration of posting, the employer must specify the weekly hours of work and the work schedules that will be applicable during the workers' period of posting to Belgium.