Administrative procedure
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If the employer is an administrative authority, the worker can ask the Council of State to cancel an administrative act that concerns them (e.g. a management board decision that releases the worker from the management of the service, removal from their position due to acts of harassment, temporary dismissal in the interests of the service) by invoking, among other things, the violation of the provisions of the Act of 4 August 1996 on well-being of workers in the performance of their work (e.g. Article 32tredecies on protection against reprisals, Article 32septies on provisional measures).
- Firstly, with the prevention advisor of the internal and/or external service for prevention and protection at work.
- Secondly, with the competent regional directorate for Supervision of Well-being at Work.
- Questions on the interpretation of the legislation: in writing to the Directorate-General for Humanisation of Labour.