Communication of the identification details regarding the liaison person
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Communication of the identification and contact details regarding the liaison person regards a category of activities exempted from the Limosa declaration (i.e the activity of initial assembly and/or first installation of goods where this is an integral part of a contract for the supply of goods and which are necessary for taking the goods supplied into use, are carried out by the skilled and/or specialist workers of the supplying undertaking, where the period of posting does not exceed eight days and, where this activity does not relate to activities in the field of building work).
The employer who is going to post workers in Belgium must communicate to the Belgian Labour Inspectorate the following identification and contact details:
- first names, surname and date of birth of the liaison person. Where the liaison person has a Belgian identification number to the Social Security, this number is sufficient;
- the capacity in which this liaison officer acts (the employer himself- a worker of this employer- a natural person who is a third party compared to the employer);
- The physical and electronic addresses of the liaison person, and a telephone number and which he/she can be contacted.